Turtle Cupcakes

Hi Everyone!  Wow, November has really flown by.  Thanksgiving just passed and I definitely have some posts coming from that awesome day.  Today’s post is actually for Turtle cupcakes (or cake).  It was a first-years birthday in the lab and he can eat sugar like it is his job.  Example, we went out to dinner about a month ago and we both ordered water.  The first-year “flavored” his water with a packet of sugar.  While the rest of us begin our mornings with a cup…or three…of coffee, my first-year begins his day with a cup of coke.  So naturally when I asked him what he wanted for his birthday he asked for a fluffy chocolate cupcake with rich chocolate frosting.  Of course, then I suggested adding caramel because of his love for all things sweet.  The first thing that pops into my mind when you say chocolate and caramel is a turtle. Continue reading

Posted in cakes, desserts | 25 Comments

Pumpkin Cupcakes with Browned Butter Frosting

(Jean’s Post)

Another one of my holiday delights from Halloween 2011 were these amazing pumpkin cupcakes with brown-sugar cream-cheese frosting.  The cupcakes lie somewhere between a muffin and cupcake.  The cupcakes alone are rich and flavorful but with the frosting they became a bit decadent and sweet.  Trick to the cupcake is the brown-butter.  That’s what makes it special and show stopper for my household.  They never last very long here or anywhere I take them.

It’s another Martha Stewart Recipe but this one is from the 2010 Halloween Special Edition. Continue reading

Posted in cakes, desserts, Jean, Kiki | Leave a comment

Strawberry Whoopie Pies with Strawberry Cream Cheese Frosting

Hello!  Super sorry the last few months have been pretty non-stop.  I swear…I will try to keep the posts coming…especially now that it is fall.  I have a soft spot for fall recipes…or anything that contains apples, pumpkin and cinnamon.  Today’s recipe is actually something I whipped up this summer to celebrate my labmate completing his qualifier exam.  After his exam, we all shared some snacks, desserts and beer in the lab.  Of course, I wanted to make bake something and after several attempts to pry out dessert ideas from my labmate, I was left with “something fruity”.  Ok.  That narrowed it down.  In the end, I just wandered around the produce section and grabbed what looked the best, strawberries.

My first thought was to make some cookies but I couldn’t shake a craving for strawberry cream cheese frosting so I went with strawberry whoopie pies.  And all I have to say is delicious.  I don’t even think that is a strong enough word for these amazing little tasty creations.  These whoopie pies could be served for breakfast lunch and dinner and I would be totally happy…albeit I do have a massive sweet tooth.  I know that strawberry season is pretty much ending but if you can find some good ones this recipe is a must. Continue reading

Posted in cakes, cookies, desserts | 3 Comments

Meringue Bones

(Jean’s Post)

Halloween is my favorite holiday because I adore costumes and dressing up.  I like to welcome trick or treaters to my home with a candlelit walkway arriving to a decorated landing, full lit displays in the surrounding windows, and me in full garb with a pumpkin filled to the brim with candy.  This year, I was a witch complete with a cauldron over a glittering fire and cob webs covering the branched doorway.  In one window displayed a spread of eerie delights which included a pile of meringue bones.

This recipe comes from Martha Stewart’s special Halloween edition 2011.  It’s practically a meringue cookie.  The bones were light and crunchy but more importantly a lovely décor for the evening.  Enjoy. Continue reading

Posted in cookies, desserts, Jean, Kiki | 2 Comments

Edamame Hummus

This is a great way to incorporate the edamame into your diet.  It’s a fun alternative to the traditional chickpea/garbanzo bean hummus.  The texture is a bit chunkier and grittier but it is delicious with your favorite crudités.  The kitties were even interested in it.  So for your next pot luck or party, bring this to shake things up.  This recipe is from Self Magazine. Continue reading

Posted in appetizers/sides, Kiki | 1 Comment