Roasted Chile Pepper and Beef Stew

It’s Alexis again, starting to finally get the backlog of recipes and pictures posted.  Last week I got a great present from Rick down in the student machine shop.  It was a bag full of Anaheim and Hungarian Wax peppers just picked from his garden.  After taking a huge bite out of one of those puppies raw and subsequently following it with entire container of yogurt I went back upstairs to figure out what I can make with an entire bag of peppers.  Since it is fall I thought that a beef and roasted chile pepper stew sounded really tasty and warming.  The recipe is a modified version of the recipe by Gourmet magazine in December 1992.

Roasted Chile Pepper and Beef Stew


1 medium/large yellow onion, sliced
3 cloves of garlic, minced
2 lbs of beef (used a bottom roast) cut in 1 inch chunks
1 cup of flour
3 cups of assorted peppers, roasted, peeled and chopped
1.5 lbs of peeled potatoes (I used a mixture of red, Yukon gold and purple potatoes) cut in 1 inch chunks
salt and pepper to taste

1.  In a large pot cook the garlic and onions in some about a tbsp of oil until the onions are translucent.  Remove from pot and set aside.

2.  Heat another 3 tbsps of oil in the pot, while lightly coating the chunks of beef with the flour.  Try not to let the beef sit too long with the flour on it or the water/juices from the meet with turn the flour into kind of a paste.  Put the beef in the pot and brown the beef on both sides.
3.  Add the cooked onions and garlic, roasted peppers, and pour in 1 cup of the beef broth.  Use the first cup to pick up the drippings/browned flour from the bottom of the pot.
4.  Pour in the rest of the broth and simmer for about an hour.  Stir occasionally so that the beef doesn’t settle down and burn on the bottom of the pot.
5.  Add potatoes and simmer until the potatoes are tender (about 30 minutes and I tested with a toothpick).  Add more liquid to keep the potatoes just covered.
6.  Salt and Pepper to taste.

The stew turned out really good and I would definitely make it again.  It was really pretty to have the purple potatos peeking out of the stew.  Next time I was thinking that I would change it up and use pork instead of beef.  If you are looking for a meal that is filling and perfect for a cool day this stew is great for that.  Happy eating!

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One Response to Roasted Chile Pepper and Beef Stew

  1. flipemall says:

    thanks, i enjoyed the read

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