Raspberry Swiss Meringue Buttercream

Alexis here, so out of all the different types of frosting out there I think my absolute favorite is swiss meringue…though a good cream cheese frosting would be hard to pass up.  A basic swiss meringue buttercream a little less sweet, smoother and doesn’t set up as well as a frosting made with butter and powdered sugar.  The base of the swiss meringue is egg whites and sugar.  You can also add flavoring to it though either jam or pureed fruit.  This particular recipe is from Martha Stewart and uses raspberry jam to flavor the frosting.  All I have to say is YUM.

Raspberry Swiss Meringue Buttercream


4 large egg whites
1 ¼ cups sugar
1 ½ cups unsalted butter, room temperature, cut into tablespoons
1 tsp vanilla
12 oz seedless raspberry jam 

  1. In a large saucepan bring about 4-5 cups of water to a boil. 
  2. In a heatproof bowl (I used the one for my electric mixer) combine the egg whites and sugar.  Cook over the saucepan of simmering water, constantly whisking, until the sugar has dissolved.  It should be around 160 degrees F.
  3. Beat the egg whites and sugar (using a whisk attachment on the electric mixer) until the bowl is cool and the egg white mixture holds stiff peaks.
  4. Switch to a paddle attachment and on a medium speed beat in the butter a few tablespoons at a time.  I usually do not add the full 3 sticks of butter but that is my preference. 
  5. Beat in the vanilla and the raspberry jam until the frosting comes back together and is smooth.

      *Hint- If the frosting looks like it has separated or curdled, don’t panic, just keep beating the frosting and it will eventually come back together.

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