Sea Salt Brownies

Today, I am sitting in my family’s relatively new house in Minnesota!  This is the first time I have been in the state since they bought it last spring and it is great to finally see it.  After catching a little flack from my dad about the lack of posting lately, I decided to take the few minutes to update and post some recipes that I have been waiting to share.  The lack of posting has been the result of finishing up my PhD and starting a post doc at Northwestern.  Life has been crazy and I have only in the last few days gotten my kitchen together in my new apartment.  While my apartment is pretty large, it is pretty old so I have been trying to adjust to the whistling of the radiators.  Good thing I am pretty much a narcoleptic.

Today’s tastiness is my favorite brownie recipe.  Oh man, this is what I would submit for a brownie bake off.  The name is Sea Salt Brownies, but I just call them deliciousness.  These brownies are gooey, crispy, chocolaty and indulgent with a hint of saltiness.  You can eat them straight out of the oven (an intense chocolate experience) or if you can leave them for a day, the sea salt flavor is more prominent.  Either way, they are great and really simple.  Because the first time I made them was for Valentines day, surprisingly not for a special someone, I used pink Himalayan sea salt from Trader Joe’s.  But flake sea salt or course ground sea salt will also work just fine.

Sea Salt Brownies


1 ½ sticks unsalted butter, roughly chopped into tbsp pieces
2-3 ounces of semi-sweet chocolate, finely chopped
¼ cup plus 2 tablespoons cocoa
2 cups sugar
3 eggs
1 ½ tsp vanilla
1 cup all-purpose flour
½ tsp sea salt (to mix into the batter) and ¼-1/2 tsp sea salt (to sprinkle on top)

  1. Preheat the oven to 350 degrees and spray a 9 in square baking dish with baking spray or line it with buttered foil.
  2. In a large saucepan, melt the butter with the semi-sweet chocolate over low heat.  Occasionally stir the mixture.  Melting the chocolate and butter together can also be done in a microwave with 30 second intervals, but a lot of care needs to be taken here so that you don’t scorch the chocolate.  If scorching happens, the chocolate has a crusty texture and it just needs to be thrown out.  There is no saving it.
  3. Remove the chocolate and butter from the heat and whisk in the cocoa, sugar, vanilla, ½ tsp sea salt and flour, until incorporated.  At this point the mixture should be cool enough to whisk in the eggs.
  4. Once you have a smooth incorporated batter, pour it into the prepared pan and sprinkle with a little bit more sea salt.
  5. Bake the brownies until the edge is set but the center is still a little bit soft, it should not pass the toothpick test.  If you can resist the temptation, I would suggest allowing the brownies to completely cool before chowing down.

Alrighty, that is my favorite brownie recipe!  It is utter delicousness and simple.  Give it a try, you will not be disappointed!  I am also totally open to hearing/posting your favorite brownie recipe.  So if you have a good one, bake it, take some pictures and send me a post.  Happy eating!

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