Chocolate Caramel Apples

(Jean’s Post)

I wanted to make caramel apples this year with my husband.  We went to an apple orchard and picked apples for my birthday.  We got beautiful honey crisp apples at Aamodt’s Apple Farm near Stillwater, MN.  Their apple cider was delicious on the cool Saturday morning and their apple bratwurst was surprisingly good.

I’m a fan of Martha Stewart for my baking and sweets in general.  I gave this recipe a whirl and found it a bit disappointing.  My caramel was not thick enough and would have served better as a dipping sauce which is how I used it after a coating for the apples.

*Some advice, the sauce bubbles like crazy when the cream was added.  I hollered loudly and my husband came running to rescue me from the mess I was about to create.  I highly suggest stirring vigorously when adding the cream as Martha suggests.  I slowed to add the cream and that’s when the trouble started.


Nonstick cooking spray
Apples of choice
Wooden sticks (popsicle sticks work)
3 cups of sugar
1 cup of light corn syrup
1 cup heavy cream at room temperature
3 ounces of semisweet chocolate chips


  1. Coat a rimmed baking sheet with nonstick cooking spray.
  2. Combine sugar and corn syrup in a heavy saucepan and cook over medium-high heat, stirring occasionally with a wooden spoon, until dark golden (12 minutes after mixture comes to a boil).
  3. Slowly pour heavy cream and stir vigorously as adding the cream.
  4. Remove from heat and stir in chocolate till it is completely melted.
  5. Slice apples into pieces and dip in chocolate caramel after it has cooled.
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