Russian Tea Cookies

For awhile there I didn’t even look at my own blog because I knew it was so out of date but hopefully I can keep the posts coming.  One recipe I have wanted to post for awhile is for Russian tea cookies.  Most recently I made these for a holiday party for my new group.  Because it had been a few years since the last group party I kind of went crazy with the amount of food I prepared, to those who know me…this is not a surprise.  We ended up with pumpkin cupcakes with cinnamon cream cheese frosting, lemon drop cookies, dark chocolate and mint chip cookies, oatmeal with butterscotch and chocolate chip cookies and Russian tea cookies, for dessert for 11 people.  Oops.  Actually, I think the first time I had made these cookies was about 3 years ago when one of my friends asked me to make them for the holiday baskets.

These cookies are delightfully light, buttery and crumbly.  They are really quick to make and addictive.  I am pretty sure I ate at least 4 while the cookies were still warm.  If you would like some quick goodies to quench the sugar cravings, I would suggest baking a batch of these cookies.

Russian Tea Cookies


1 c butter, softened
½ c powdered sugar
1 tsp vanilla
¼ tsp salt
2 ¼ c flour
¾ c walnuts, chopped
~1/2 c powdered sugar for rolling the cookies in

  1. Preheat the oven to 350 degrees.
  2. Using an electric mixer and beat the butter until it is smooth.
  3. Add the powdered sugar, vanilla and salt and beat until the ingredients are combined.
  4. Slowly, add in the flour and then stir in the walnuts.
  5. The dough will be a little crumbly, just squeeze the dough together and it will hold together.  Out the of the dough, form ~1 in round balls and place about an inch apart on a cookie sheet.
  6. Bake for about 8-10 minutes or until the bottom of the cookie are light brown.
  7. While the cookies are still warm roll them in powdered sugar and enjoy!

That’s it!  Pretty simple, huh?  This recipe makes about 2-3 dozen depending on how large the cookies are.  Russian tea cookies are definitely worth a try and while the cookies are still warm they kind of melt in your mouth.  There are different variations and one well known version is the Mexican wedding cookie.  Well, I should get back to work because thinking about cookies has started to make me hungry.  Good luck with the recipe and happy eating.

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One Response to Russian Tea Cookies

  1. seattalite says:

    This makes me hungry!

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