White Chocolate Chip and Walnut Chocolate Cookie Bar

It’s Alexis again, almost caught up with recipes baked in October…even if it is the end of November. The last thing I made in October was for my advisors kids for Halloween. Last year I brought them little orange chocolate chip cakes along with homemade turtles and bear claws. This year I brought over a batch of pretzel rolls along with an assortment of pumpkin cakes, white cake and homemade candies. Looking over the goodies plate I decided there was not enough chocolate. This is a major problem because one of the kids has a huge chocolate addiction…so I made white chocolate chip walnut chocolate cookie bars. Wow, that was kind of a mouthful. Continue reading

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Pretzel Nuggets

Hey all, it’s Alexis, to keep going on the masses of awesome food that we served at our Halloween party at the end of October is one more recipe, fresh baked pretzel nuggets.  It is really tough to beat a fresh pretzel, warm and soft, coming right out of the oven.  I first made this recipe with Lena in the beginning of September for some of our friends’ going away potluck party.  We had made these pretzel rolls a few inches in diameter, which was large enough for us to make mini meatball, roast beef, turkey or cheese sandwiches with them.  The rolls disappeared so fast at the potluck so we decided to make them again for the Halloween party but a little bit differently. Continue reading

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Raspberry Swiss Meringue Buttercream

Alexis here, so out of all the different types of frosting out there I think my absolute favorite is swiss meringue…though a good cream cheese frosting would be hard to pass up.  A basic swiss meringue buttercream a little less sweet, smoother and doesn’t set up as well as a frosting made with butter and powdered sugar.  The base of the swiss meringue is egg whites and sugar.  You can also add flavoring to it though either jam or pureed fruit.  This particular recipe is from Martha Stewart and uses raspberry jam to flavor the frosting.  All I have to say is YUM. Continue reading

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Ghost Shaped White Cake with Raspberry Swiss Meringue Buttercream

Alexis again, the previous post involved pumpkin cake in the shape of a jack o’ lantern.  The shape was from a molded cake pan that I got from my parents and it was made up of jack o’ lanterns and ghosts.  Since I couldn’t very well bake three little pumpkin cakes at a time I used a white cake recipe for the ghosts and frosted them with Raspberry Swiss Meringue Buttercream recipe from Martha Stewart.  If I had more time I think I would have piped on some oval eyes and a mouth.  Next time! Continue reading

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Jack O’ Lantern Shaped Cakes with Cream Cheese Frosting

Alexis here, life has been pretty crazy as of late, but about a week and a half ago Lena, Kiki and I held a pretty awesome Halloween party!  Lena and I have been saying that we were going to throw a Halloween party every year but each year we chicken out.  This year we decided to let a bunch of people know about it a month or so in advance so we would have to finally see it through.  It was really neat that everyone really got involved and made it pretty great.  Kiki came down to decorate!  My parents sent some delicious wantons and ribs!  Lena and I got busy and cooked up a storm.  We even carved 4 pumpkins so we could pick out the seeds and roast them.  It was also pretty cool to see a bunch of graduate students dressed up in costumes ranging from Galinda the Good Witch (lena), to a penguin and even Schrodinger’s Cat (science geek thing). Continue reading

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